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Can My Boss Dock My Pay? February 06, 2012 |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Employee Rights News You Can Use ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Filtering software may prevent you from receiving your issue of Your Basic Employee Rights eNews! To ensure that you never miss an email from us, please add us to your whitelist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date February 6, 2012!! Issue #35 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important News! Hello My friend, Well here we are facing a new year of opportunities and challenges in the workplace. My heartfelt prayer to GOD ALMIGHTY is that each of you and your families prosper and are granted good health. Yvonne (my wife ;0) and I thank you for continuing to support Basic Employee Rights eNEWs. There are many new changes that will be affecting the workplace in 2012. I will continue to research and share how those changes will affect you. That said.... So let's get to it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Employee IQ Exam!
Many employees and employers alike are perplexed about the (FLSA) Fair Labor Standards Act. There can be a lot of confusion on who is exempt versus non-exempt. Employees with positions regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act will be non-exempt or exempt. Workers that are non-exempt qualify to receive overtime pay. Exempt employee are not. The majority workers included in FLSA are non-exempt. For an employee to be exempt she/he must be classified as salaried which means a guaranteed minimum amount of pay. An employee who is non-exempt will be someone that receives pay on an hourly basis. Employers have to pay a salary or guaranteed minimum amount of pay to classify you as "exempt". Employees who are paid by the hour are always "non-exempt", but can be paid a salary. Salary workers can also be non-exempt or exempt?!? Typically under FLSA the amount of money a worker on salary makes can't be based on the number of days or hours worked. For example, if a salaried employee worked 25 hours or 60 hours a week the pay is the same. The pay for the hourly worker turns to overtime if "hours worked" exceed 40 in one week, or eight in one day. Nonetheless, there are some exceptions and tests to determine employment classifications. Understanding the distinction can be confusing, learn more about "exempt" versus "non-exempt" "salaried" versus "non-exempt" here; =====> Until next time as always..... Be something good to someone! Yancey
Employee Rights Educator, Coach,
Trainer, Advocate, Internet Presence Consultant
================================================= Are you a SALARIED or HOURLY employee? Are you "EXEMPT or "NON-EXEMPT"? Not Knowing could be COSTING YOU M.ON.EY!! ====> ================================================= If you need an answer to an employee rights or other legal question, get an answer here F*REE! ===> ================================================== Can I Interest You in an Extra $250.00 a Day...?
====> ================================================= Here's a Special Free Video Series ($97 Value) This resource has been a tremendous help to my blogging efforts. =====> ================================================= SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS and INTERESTS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you find the info useful please recommend signing up for this newsletter to anyone you know that works for a living, they will thank you for it! This newsletter is designed for YOU! Let us know what workplace issues concern you the most. Follow this link: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I HAVE CONSTANT BASIC EMPLOYEE RIGHTS TWEETS ON TWITTER AT; or or or or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTACT US Email:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PUBLISHING SCHEDULE Your Basic Employee Rights eNews is published the first week of the month, 12 weeks per year. From time to time we will publish special features that affect employees in the workplace. We may also offer third party resources that will be of benefit to you our valued subscriber. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DISCLAIMER Note: Any and all information provided within this Newsletter/Ezine is for educational and general information purposes only. It is NOT INTENDED as legal advice. Please review this specific disclaimer; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written by Yancey Thomas Jr. Owner, (c)copyright 2011 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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