Now you know they intend to fire you. Well in the first installment "Are You A Target For Termination" you learned who the players in management are.
We learned what to look for when your boss initiates the attack against you. We also learned how your co-workers' behavior can reveal you are now a target for termination. Now we are going to take a look at "What To Do When There's No Doubt They Intend To Fire You".
The very first thing to do is usually the most challenging. I struggled with it myself and have seen many other employees struggle with it as well. In fact, I currently have a friend that is as of this writing coming to terms with this most important principle. When employees fighting for their workplace rights get this wrong they hand the victory to the bad employer. What is this most important first step?
It involves the 3 C's....
You absolutely MUST not allow negative feelings of emotion to dictate and control how you respond to being targeted for termination! I can't stress this more. As we will see many bad employers count on employees who are targeted for termination to react emotionally and even violently to their termination strategy.
The following example is a real world experience to illustrate this point.
Supervisor X says to target employee, "(Target) we've been summoned by Y".
The summoning individual is the Director of the Department and actually referred to himself as "lord and master". This individual also had a history of negative employee relations.
The target employee was told "You're not a man", "You're lazy and slow" and other choice defamatory and inflammatory remarks. While ranting the "lord and master" proceeds to point his index finger ever closer to the target employee's nose.
They Intend To Fire You
This was clearly a provocative strategy designed to get the target employee to react in such a way as to justify an on the spot termination for insubordination or workplace violence. However, the target employee maintained the 3 C's and the first phase of the termination plan backfired. When confronted with these kinds of tactics intended to provoke you into "going ballistic", remember YOU control YOU.
When others are allowed to dictate how we respond to their "button pushing", you are already defeated. Avoid being drawn into an angry exchange when management has clearly demonstrated it has no intention of acting in good faith. When bad employers can predict how you will react, the consequences almost always lead to the destruction of the employee's good workplace reputation and job.
Retreat from the situation by calmly saying something like, "Well if there's nothing else I think getting back to work is what I should do." A statement such as that when spoken disarmingly will tend to force the manager to back down. Once the sobering reality that your boss intends to fire you sinks in everything changes.
Your emotional, psychological, physical and even spiritual sense of stability and well being is turned upside down. There's a tendency to feel alone and helpless. However, with the help of what you are learning in this series you will definitely not be alone or helpless!
Your next decision involves which course of action is in your best interests when they intend to fire you.
They Intend To Fire You
You must calmly and clearly review your options.
1) Leave With A Severance Package
you have maintained a positive work record and your boss knows you are
not completely unaware and ignorant of your rights. If you've got solid
documentation exposing your employer to potential litigation they may
be glad for you to resign in good standing with cash in your pocket.
2) Do Nothing
from my research most "targets for termination" lapse into a sense of
denial and think the employer will leave them alone. Some believe if
they work "harder" or "bend over" backwards to go above and beyond
trying to please their boss things will work out. Once an employer has
targeted you for termination don't fool yourself, they intend to carry
it out.
3) Fight For Your Basic Employee Rights!
was my personal choice at a critical point in my professional career as
an employee. I can't begin to share with you the challenge to my
physical, mental, psychological, spiritual and family well being.
However, the rewards for making that stand were and are tremendous! I
was successful in defending my employee rights which launched my
advocacy to help others in the workplace.
They Intend To Fire You
You can with proper preparation prevail when they intend to fire you.
Choosing option 1 means you move on to another workplace that sooner or later will manifest it's own set of issues. Never assume the next employer is a "grass is greener" workplace pasture. Also be aware a former employer can affect your future employment.
Choosing option 2 means you are putting yourself at the mercy of an employer that has summoned all it's key players to work together to "show you the door".
The overwhelming majority of employers know and count on most employees choosing the first two options which gives them a huge advantage. Why? Because bad faith employers manage by fear and intimidation rather than respect and appreciation.
Since most job applicants and employees have not educated themselves about their workplace rights they are prime candidates for abuse. So for those that want to join the Basic Employee Rights Hall Of Fame option 3 is not just the best choice it's the only choice. It takes courage, self control, patience and perseverance.
Deciding to fight means you must plan your strategy!
In order to do that you need to learn to recognize the different games, gimmicks and traps that bad bosses formulate against employees targeted for termination.
The 3rd Installment:
"The Advantage Of Learning Your Employers Termination Strategy Against You"
They Intend To Fire You
Some employers are constantly working to take away the rights of employees. Follow this link to EMPLOYEE RIGHTS GUIDE, EMPLOYEE WORKPLACE RIGHTS and EMPLOYEE RIGHTS QUESTIONS for the latest employee news you can use!
Are You A Target of Workplace Bullying?
Download:What Every Target of Bullied at Work Needs to Know. Learn how To avoid the traps, stop bullies in their tracks and get your life back!
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